Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)

Green Bay Press Gorette Fndoy, June 2V. 53 Personals 10 Lost and Found 16C Skilled, Semi-Skilled Professional 16B Stores-Restaurants Notices ME ILA CROSSWORD PUZZLE irz i B-7 1 I KAikr1 1'584 i icifHsiTTait a it i Ac Trifling Indion Aftcle College degree Comb wool Style of lettering Bronch ot learning leader Indian mulberry Prompt Transistor sets local Burden In this manner leningtud's river Hardy heroine ACROSS 1 5 9. 11. 12. 14 16.

17. 18. 20. 21 23 25 26. Gregory Nome (or Aft.eno One Man's nume Poppyfish Screed Eldritch Japonese drama 45 Yoked unimals 47 Building angle Suggest Arobion gulf Occurrinq Wonting YESTERDAY'S SOLUTION 4 lorivj tciiled monkey 5 Crisis 6 See 7 Rfvise Shorn 9 Imhga 10.

Carol 13 Ovol 15 Adore 19 Direction 21 Also 72. Df'mv 24 Potion saint ot sailor-. 71. Inter ill 29 Anient 30 Japanese coin 32. Gioup of eight 34 GoduVsj of cor th 37.

Poetry 39. Pine Tiee SUite 40 Mars 41 Resort city 43. Arms i host 46. Study 40. Period 49 Drufl hfiu)i)itnrtets SI.

Four Lf4 mmm a Lewi t'it. 25 26 It i 1 1 1 1 1 Hi KM! 1 Mi il HI i9 ho hi M3 Lnl Battel liflB M5 HO 1 Ht3 50 rsi Vi I 1 DAILY MAKES MORE CENTS When cur renders turn tnese pages, a vost marketplace is al their fingertips! A dailv marketplace of buyers and sellers. Every day this marketplace informs our readers ot ttem and services for sale and where the con be found. Using our classi fied ads is the aulcVest, easesl way to have your message reach over 124,000 readers daii and 150.000 Sunday. Reod our Classified ads and when you have something to sell.

DIAL 435-8361 TO PLACE YOUR AD 3 In Memoriam IN LOVING MEMORY OF Edward (Fish) Cuunard Who died seven vears 090 today, June 29, 1977 Your vacant choir we've put away, Your pipe and dear scuffed slippers too. Lest pain at connstant slant of them Should break our hearts -vtl missing vou. Sadlv missed bv sons, daughters-in-law, grandchildren and friends. In Loving Memory ot Barb VanCump We do not forget her We love hr too dearly For her memory to fade From our lives like a d- 'earn. Our tips need not speuK When our hearts mourn sincerely, Forgriel often dwells Where it seldom is seen Rememt ering vou on your birthdov.

Dan and Linda 5A Personals COLLEGE STUDENT needs French tutor to teach equivalent of 4th semes 'er as soon as possible. 3JA-1432. HAPPY 27th Annlveriory Squeak le! Hod; and prnv for 57 more. Love alwnvs-Your Toad JiAA Rows art red; Violets are olue. How does it feel, TO BE 42? LOVE YA, "LIPS" THANK YOU St.

Jude for favnrs granted. Oerrie THANK YOU SACRED HEART FOR LISTENING. O. THANKS ST. JUDE For fovor received P.V.

GREETINGS FOR BIRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES SPECIAL EVENTS Use the PERSONALS Column Of the 3 lines, 1 day, $2.37. To place a greeting, call 4 15-8761 5B Persons CCP A FEELING! Fuiv Bare Exotic Moie Dancer, Quality performance. 469-9882. PRE-ADOPTIVE, treatment foster homes needed Dv Siate Department ot Health ura Social Contact Porbata RoTnowski, Bo 3730. Oref-n Boy, Wl 54302.

497-4447 PACKER SEASON TICKETS WN Call Sue, un'il 5 P.m. PREGNANT? Find Out. Csll BIRTHRIGHT at 435-3345. 4 VAN HALEN Takers for Madison concer July 3. 314 eoch Deannn.

FOUND: Glosses, bv uWGB. Coll 435-197), LOST: Brownish gray malt Husky, no coMor. Answers to Prince. Cty. Lire V.

444-0724. ID PACKAGE found In Plaza Mod parking ramp. Call JJe-AtJ. FOUND: brownish block female kitten, oporo. 6 months old.

West Ot Pere orea. 336-3497 after 5 P.m. Employment 16 Agencies, Services EDP, Accounting, Technical HARRY CASE ASSOCIATES B28 Cherry Street 432-5188 H.S. PLACEMENT SERVICE Serving oil industries nationwide 1345 W.Mason 494-9Mo EMPLOYMENT Tempororv Work Assignments 1345 W.Mason 494-0450 WHEN REPLYING TO A BOX NUMBER ADDRESS vour reply to: Green Bay Press-Gozette, P.O. Box 430, Green Bay, WI 54305 On the lower left corner of the envelope write: "Att: 16A Office-Clerical ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY Immediate full time opening for experienced secretary.

Duties Include switchboardreceptionist position and secretary to the sales ond administrative departments. Previous switchboard andor word processing experience preferred Candidate musl be self motivated and well orga nized. Salary commensurate with experience. Qualified appli cants send resume to: Parn Dowers, P.O. Box 987, Oconto Falls, Wl 54154 414846-2892 Equal Opportunity Employer BOOKKEEPER Requirements: Typing, com puter knowledge, all aspects of bookkeeping, tax: 941, 940, State Unemployment, State.

General good ott ice skills. Salary deter-mined by experience, benefits, full-time. Send resume to: Box D-69, Press-Garette. DATA ENTRY CLERK Typing experience necessary. IBM experience a plus.

Send resume with salary history to: Box 1387A, Green Bay, 54305. FULL TIME In small office. General duties including bookkeeping ond payroll. Reoly to: Press-Gazette, Box 0-76. GROUP INSURANCE TECHNICAL CLERICAL Greon leading agency is seeking an experienced person In group medical servicing or claim processing.

Experience In claims processing, underwriting or morketmg a real plus. For confidential interview, contact: Linda Tohak ALEXANDER ALEXANDER 414437-7123 Equal Opportunity Employer MFHV LEGAL SECRETARY For downoown office. Shorthand and typing skills required. Reolv I with qualifications and experl-I ence to Box D-72, Press-Gazette. PROOF MACHINE OPERATOR Part-time position available ot Valley Bank-Green Bav.

Regularly scheduled 3 days per week. Apprx. 16 hours. Additional hours as needed. Prior proof machine experience required.

Salary commensurate with experience. Plea? contact Valley Bank Personnel 432-6361. Banal Opportunity Employer IMMEDIATE Opening for part-time secretary In small orflce. Excellent typing skills and pleasont telephone monner must. General office work Includes typing, record keeping, filing, onswerlng phone, placing orders, etc.

24 hours week plus one evening per month. Send resume and cover letter to: Manager, P.O. Box 222, Green Bav, Wl 54305, bv July 6. SECRETARY, IMMEDIATE opening for dependable, experienced secretary. Excellent typing ond telephone skills required.

30 hrs. per week. Please send resume and qualifications to Box D-47, Press Ga-iette. SECRETARY RECEPTION I ST tor smoll active office. Must have typing, transcript ond computer skills and be good with figures.

All replies confidential. Send resume with salary requirements to P. O. Box 46, DePercWI. TYPIST RECEPTION I ST Accuracy most Important.

Send resume to: Smith Abstract Title, P.O. Box 153, Green Bay, Wl 54305. 163 Stores-Restaurants CLEANING JOB Ideal for retired person. Morning hours. Todd-432-1271, 7-9 p.m.

ONE of the fastest growing tost food chains In the United States new hiring people tor Managers and Assistant Man-ogr Trainees. Must be willing to relocate. Excellent pav and Benefit. Apply at Hardee's Res toy rant, Mam St. Hours: wed and p.m.- p.m.; FrL, 2 p.m.-$ p.m.

MEAT DEPT. Manow-10 veorj management experience. Written applications only- P.O. Box 349, Kaukauna. Wl 54130.

GODFATHER'S PIZZA Counter person needed. Must be It years old ond able to work days, nights, ond week-ends. Apply In person 2 p.m., Webster and 9fMoln St. WAITRESS OPENING, July 1 Labor Day (or beyond). Inquire Alpine Resort, P.O.

Box 317, Egg Horbor, Wl S4209. 41486-3000. 16C Skilled- Semi-Skilled FOR IMMEDIATE EMPLOY MENT: Layout artist and counter person combination. Write or coll: Kwlk Kopv Printing, 2253 S. Oneldo, Green Bay.WI 54304.

FULL TIME service station attendant needed Immediately. MUST BE EXPERIENCED! Dale's Super Shell Service, 500 W. Walnut, 435-4270. CARPENTER For residential construction. Some experience necessary.

Send resume to: Sox 0-77, Press-Gozette EXPERIENCED FINISHING CARPENTER. Coll 469 1803 after 5 p.m. EXOTIC OR GO-GO DANCER Top wages, Immediote opening. Must be 16. 432-8079.

EXPERIENCED dog groomer. Full time. Apply at Golrusk Pet Core Center, 448-7956. WELDER-FABRICATOR wanted for part-time second shift. Must be able to reod blueprints and do own set-ups.

Wage commensurate with ability. Valley Plating ond Fabricating. Call 497-1561, and ask for John. HVAC TECHNICIAN Opportunity for individual with technical school training and minimum four vears experience in Industrial and commercial air conditioning maintenance, Including centrifugal refrigeration machine background. Exposure to computerized building auto mation helpful.

Excellent working conditions and modern facility. Attractive benefits program. Send resume to: Employee Relation Aid Association for Lutherans 54919. MASSEUSES WANTED Must be 18. Good pay.

Call 433-9974. DIESEL MECHANIC Heavy duty equipment, send resume and qualifications to: Chuck Crago, Goodman Forest Industries, P.O. Box 457, Goodman, Wl 54125 MECHANIC-FULL TIME One man shop; able to work without supervision; supply your own tools; must have working knowledge ot welding, cutting, lathe, truck repair, small engine repair, hydraulics. Starting salary depends upon experience. Health Insurance, paid vacotlon.

Send resume to: Sox D-it, Press-Gozette. TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT for nursing assistants. Full time and part time on all shifts. Could possibly lead to permanent employment. Competitive wages.

Apply in person to the Director of Nursing between 9-4, Kewaunee Health Care Center, 1308 Lincoln Kewaunee, I 54216. NURSING ASSISTANT Part-time, Experience neces sary. Woudstde LutDeran Home, 499-1481. EXPERIENCED OIL Burner REPAIRMAN. Halron Oil Co.

437-0464. OWNEROPERATORS Trv a program that works. 414498-120J. PRINTER Minimum 2 years experience or technical school equivalent in offset printing, camera, negative and plote preparation, bindery. Letterpress helpful.

Apply In person July 2 or 3, 9 a.m.-12 noon. Van's Ability Printing, 523 9th Green Bav. QUALIFIED appliance, refrigeration, and heating service person. Green Bay orea. 499-1419.

TRUCK DRIVER WANTED Must have 2 vears over the road experience. Must be 23 years of age and have good driving record. Send resume to: Box D-81, Press-Gazelle WOODWORKERS Immediate lob openings for experienced Cabinet Makers and Individuals with platlc laminate experience. Associated Fixtures, Inc. 139 Evergreen Rd.

Oconto, Wl 54153 Phone 414-834-5885 COMPLETE Medicare implement and Njrsing Home LAMINE-SEALY INSURANCE, 435,57.2. DO-IT-YOURSELF DIVORCE (PROSE! For Information, 414, 435-eev? FOR Green Bay most complete grocery onu Iree delivery service coll CANTWELL'S FOODS, 497-7074, 9:00 o.m. to 11:00 o.m. tor same doy delivery. FREE HAIR CUTS tor men and women for teaching our stylists tne latest fashions.

Modi-sen Ave Hair Designers, 4U S. Madison 435-7101. HELIUM-LITE'S Botloons For All Occasions Green Boy 437-0264 MALES, INC. Portles, ere. The one and only tease.

425. Cull H9-9909. TAMILY PLANNING Medical and Information services. Call PLANNED PARENTHOOD 432-0031 days or evenings. 6 Special Notices HEALTH CARE In vour home Part or full time RNs, aides, companions SMREot Wisconsin 449-04.

ROOFING BIDS Bids are now being accepted tor the replacement ol the Oconto Hliih School gymnasium roof. Specifications con be obtained at the high school orflce 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. All bids must be submitted bv 10 a.m. on July 11, 1984 All inquiries should be directed to: Jerome A.

Spmmer, Superintendent, 1717 Superior Oconto, Wi 54153. 414834-5565. The Board ot Education reserves the right to reiect all bids. RECOVERY, self help organization for nervous people meets 7:30 Mondoy, 509 S. Webster.

Open to odt'lts 18 or over who had or are having emotional problems. 336 8187, 337-2753. MAKE MONEY! Sell Household Items You Ho Longer Need I Freshen up the house by selling those dusty items vou no longer use. make extra money in the bar gain. Don 7 store those unused items In the TURN THEiV IN TO CASH atspeclol FAMILY SAVERS: MERCHANDISE 1500OR LESS" 4 days, 3 lines, $3 extro lines 50c ME RCHANDISE S501 TO $1000: 4 days, 3 lines, $4 etra hresoSc BARGAIN BAEtMENT MERCHANDISE SltlOOR LESS 4 days, lines, $2 extra lines 50c Bargain Basem*nt ads musl be mailed In or brought in and accompanied with payment.

4 average words per line Price or prices must be stoted! 1 Private Parties On'y No Refunds after f'rsl day PHONE 435-831 7:305 7-30-17 r-oon Sat. Green Bay Pi ess-Gazette 24 Hour Service 433-4639. OVEREAT EPS ANONYMOUS. No dues or fees! 497-DT7. 10 Lost and Found FOUNO: Small carrying case, at Austln-Straubel Airport, call 465-0126.

i LOST: Grav end white cat with I pink rol'ar, Elmore school i oreo. 4v9-i3tto. STOLEN: white wicker chair, ulufi staf, 25 reward leading Ic arrest. Coll 322-3967. TWO COON HOUNDS strayed to mv form Monday evening.

Went of Denmark. 863-601. LOST JiPO REWARD. Dachshund, 14 years old. Arswers to Jackie.

Little Suam'co, ott Bnmschreibf-r Rd. 826-7164. f-EMALE DOG, looks like Goi-len Retriever, found In Ho-twrtOneitfocrea. 499-275 or I snnll hrnwn itMhtr purse with strap at Linev's on Webster. Rewuid.

437-7454. silver pearl I white ond black) ring. Lost be-i tween Wilson Park onl St. Nor-bert College. REWARD! I Howard.

Female, declawed, light oncho-coloto markings. 434-2943. I POUND: small suitcase, on Mar-1 ket in Ashwnuberion. Coll to identify, 336-0056 work experience in the Box D-71 SEARS PART TIME Tire ana battery installer. APPLY IN PERSON 9 4 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY.

cuai opportunity employer 16D Professional CHILD CARE WORKERS: Currently recruiting a married couple for Teaching Form I group home in Marquette, Mich. Complete responsibility for 24-hour residential vouth care program with aid of assistance. The home has a maximum cooed ty of beds for troubled youth. Training, consultation and evaluation provided. Starting saiorv $20,000, full room and board Plus standard benefits.

Minimum requirements: person must have a bachelor's degree. Send BOTH resumes to: LSRTS. 540 W. Kave, P.O. Box 7035, Marquette.

Ml 49855. Closing dote for applications Is Frl July 13, 1984. Equal Opportunity Employer DENTAL OFFICE TREATMENT C00DINAT0R Unique position, 20-75 hours per week. Background In dental assisting, receptionist duties, lab procedures, to complement existing staff. Benefits available.

Send resume to: Gary D. Koch, DDS, 2725 S. Oneida, Green Bav, I 54304 EDUCATIONAL RESEARCHER Full time staff position within Wisconsin asssessment center ot UW-Green Boy. Masters Degree required. Strong background in research designdata analysis.

Good writing and organisational skills also necessary. Appilca tlon deadline July Send resume to Director, Wisconsin Assessment Center, LLC805, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Green Bav, Wl 54301-7001 414 45-2338 UWGB It on equal opportunity employer. ESTIMATOR PROJECT MANAGER Established Green Buy commer cial. Industrial and Institutional general contractor has permanent opening for experienced es- timotorproiect monoger. Send resume to J.C.

Basten Construction Inc P.O. Box 547, Green Bav, Wl 54305 or call 414435-4425 for application form. FIELD EXECUTIVE, non-profit ogencv serving girls, knowledge; experience In community organization, ability fo recruit, motivate and supervise volunteers. Bachelors degree or equiv alent In human services field. In cludes evenings and occasional weekends.

Car required- Hiring range: $11,730 to $13,000. Equal Opportunity Employer. Submit resume bv July 10 to: Box D-73, Press-Gazette, Green Bay, Wl. 54305. HEAD NURSE OBGYN Opportunity to combine manage ment and clinical skills.

Responsible for the management of our labor ond delivery room, nursery, and 12-bed post par turn unit. A challenging opportunity to practice your skills in a professional atmosphere. Experience required. Contact: Personnel Dept. SHAWANO COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 30vN.Bartlettf.St.

Shawano, Wl 541M Call 715526-21 1 Ext. 364 HYGIENIST Needed to work 4 or 5 days week In new office. Flexible hours. In Gladstone, Mich. -7 miles north of Esco-naba.

Position open Immediately. Coll collect, 9064J8-2321, or send resume to: Box 107, Gladstone, Ml 49837. IMMEDIATE OPENING If vou have from 1-3 yrs. experience In lending, are well organized, and possess excellent communication skills we would like to hear from you now. Manitowoc Community Credl! Union, a countywide chartered credit union, seeking a self motivated lending officer to serve our growing membership in both the per-sonal and mortgage lending areas.

We o'fer a competitive benefit Package ana professional growth potential. Submit your resume in confidence to: Manitowoc Community Credit Union HITS. WthSt. Manitowoc, Wl S4P20 Attn. Dennis Lombard JOBOPENING TOWN OF ALC.OUEZ 1449 S.

Webster Ave. RECREATION ASSISTANT Full time. Qualifications: 7 years education from an accredited college or university In recreation, physical education, or other closely reloted fields. Appropriate related experience may be considered In place of the desired specialized educational bock-ground. Come In tor application.

OFFICE MANAGER We have an Immediate opening for an office manager In a large Fox Valley GM automobile dealership. We offer an attrac tive benefit program with salary based on experience. Vou must have the folowlng qualifications: 1 Automobile accounting background. 2. Automotive computer experience.

3. Management skills. If vou qualify, pleose send your resume at once to Bergstrom Enterprise P.O. Box 777, Nee noh, Wl 5495. Please, no phone colls.

NURSES AIDE-Part-tlme. Applv at: Alpha Home Health Agency, 1600 Shawano Ave. OPERATIONS MANAGER For Manufacturer of Special Machines and Contract Machining Services Growing company In the Fox River Valley seeks an experienced manager of its manufacturing facility. The qualified candidate should have successful experience in Manufacturing operations manager for at least 10 years Design engineering Manfucturlng engineering Purchasing Production scheduling This person must also be well organized ond able to motivate peoole. This position offers an excellent salary and benefits packar.

Reply with resume ond back ground experience. In confi dence, to: Box 0-79, Presi-Garette PREVENTIONPR SPECIALIST Part time position open In alcohol and other drug abuse (AODA) prevention specialist. Knowledge of AODA field needed with experience in public relations preferred. College degree highly recommended Send resume by Julv tl, lvB4 to: Joann Llska, MSW, Oconto County Unified Health Services, B35 S. Main Oconto Foils, Wl.

541M. 146-81 M. An Equal Opportunity Employer PURCHASING MANAGER Innovative printing manufacturing firm locoted In the Fox River Volley Is presently seeking candidate for the position of Purchasing Manager. The preferred candidate will possess the following: Bachelor 's Degree In a related area; 5-7 years purchasing experience; 2 years supervi sor experience; experience In competitive contract negotia tion; knowledge of cost control methodologies; hands-on exposure in 0 computerized purchasing environment. In addition, the successful condldote must hnve proven track record In managing complex proieds and be capobie Of communicating with all levels of corporate management Ex cellent benefits.

Salary commensurate witn experience. Respond to: Box D-83, Press-Gorette. RN PART TIME position evenings, (3 per week). Apply in person at SAN LUIS MANOR, 2305 San LUIS Gren Bav between 8 4 30. NURS'NG ASSISTANTS Certified or with experience Apply In person.

Pork vie Monor, 2961 St. Anthony Green Boy. ROUTE DRIVER-SATURDAYS Moturt dtperKJobit person with cor for light dllvi its on Saturdays. Appro. hours.

Ntot ap- PMrancv. 9ood driving record. Coii TRAVEL AGENT Exptritnctd only. Ecllnl salary. Apply in writing SUNSHINE TRAVEL Bon J0V.

Dt Pert Wl 54115 16E Salespeople Insurance LICENSED AGENTS ACHIEVE VOUR MANAGEMENT CA9EEH GOALS IN EARL W4. VOU CAN EXPECT TO EARN ABOVE AVERAGE INCOME THE FIRST YEAR! International billion dollar sales corporation In management expansion program Is now hiring people with successful sales management experience andor the copaclty to manege their own terrltoi within 3-6 months. If accepted, we wil provide: Professional classroom ond in field tr aining, expenses paid Established area with accounts Guaranteed Income to start based on your history ond qualifications Your own protected ond established territory upon successful completion ot company management training pi ogi am. Excellent fringe and retirement benefits Send resume to: DAN GRISOAt.E 104 S. Main Fonddu LOC, I $4395 equal opportunity employer mf ASSISTANT SALES MANAGER Position with malor real estate brokerage firm In NE Wis.

Brok er's license required. Submit resume In complete confidence to Press Gazette Box D-34. BUILD A CAREER With Mutual of Omaha Coll dene Olson, 435-0530. Equal Opportunity Employer A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE with Green Buv's fastest-growing company. Unlimited Income, complete training program, flexible hours and convenient facilities.

NOW IS A GOOD TIME. Call Suson homer at DENES SEN REALTORS, tor a confidential Interview, 499-14U0. experienced Direct Food sales Leod getters, will train, salary and commission bonus. Opportunity for go getter. Send resume to P.O.

Box 1321, Green Say, Wl 5430J FURNITURE SALES Experienced furnUure salesper son needed. DLu Furniture, Factory Outlet Mall In Green Bav. Send resume to P.O. Box 126, Kaukauna, Wl 54130. LOCAL ESTABLISHED Insurance agency has an unusual opportunity for sales representative, soles trainee position.

This Is not the ordinary run of the mill insuronce position. It otters salary plus commission, company paid education ond training In sales and marketing. Office facilities supplied. Retail sales, business degree or agriculture background helpful. For call Gerald Larger, 414-494-74)5 Rural Insurance Co.

SALES RETIRED, Green Hav area. Engineering-' operation manufacturing management, in paper industry. Spend AO davsvear marketing world's broadest line ot Toraue Llmiters. Retainer and commission. No investment.

Call Gory Zwick American Autoguard Corp. 414) ATTENTION Nurse's, teachers, students, mothers. Ideal lob work 2, off with Sarah Coventry 494-9317 or 494-311. WE ARE seeking one experienced Real Estate ipecinlist who has the following qualifications: 5 years minimum current-practicing experience lr. either resl dential or commercial sales.

Must be receptive to an introduction to leoslng-rnanaoement-sules of businesscommercial property. Contoct VANOER ZANDEN Real Estate. 437-97V. ALL SALES HELP WANTED ADS must stole the nature at the product or service to be sold. No estimate of earnings on commission may be made.

Anv cose ot misrepresentation In Help Advertisem*nts noted bv readers should be reported to the Classified Advertising Manager, 435-4411, Ext. 3M. 16F Domestic MATURE loving person to bu-bvslt for 1 veor old in mv University Bank area home, 2 days per week, Call afters p.m., 432-9147. BABYSITTER NEEDED InPuloskla'ea. Call 822-8468.

NEEDED relluble person to babysit In your home for 5-year-old and newborn. Must be out high school. 45 hours per week. 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Mon.

thru Frl. 43S-7697. BABYSITTER WANTED for 5 and 2 year olds, Howard Elementary area. Call 434-W18. BABYSITTER wanted days Pu'asklNorth Chose area.

823-0104 niter 5, HOUSEKEEPING CHILDCARE Mature Individual sought do general housekeeping, laundry, meal preparation and child care for 7 small children. Heavy housework done bv others. Must have drivers license and own cor. 5 davs week, 9.30 a m. 7:00 p.m.

References required. Please write to: HOUSEKEEPER O. Bor 1442, Green Bay, Wl S4305. PHONE 432 9347. WANTED: Person to do Ironing for 2 adults, In your own home, every 2 wks Will deliver to vour home and olefc it up.

Call after 6 p.m., 499 7913. MATORE PERSON to care to. Infant. Live in, light hoirse-kepino, non smoker Chicago suburb 414M4-SS27 preleroblv before 7 a.m. or alter 8 p.m.

NFEDEDI Reliable sitter tor late afternoons and Saturdays. 872-3471 mornings. PERSON to do houseclennino and bahitlng free room ond board. 388-495? evenings. PERSON WANTFD to care far mv infant In your home.

1 lo 4 dovs per week. Send resume ond references to 341 Bretcoe Green Boy, Wl 5430? TEACHER needs mature womon to care for infant, mv home, Aug 22-June 1. Need own transportation. References. Cali mornings, 494-1433.

16G Part-time PART-TIME EVENINGS Office cleaning openings ovail oble In Green Boy ond Oe Pere, evenings pe" uveetx, must have own tronsoortjtion Mature, well groomed, dependable Individuals only. Reply to Box D-95, Press-Gazfeite. IF YOU HAVE Collccilon, credit or Investigative experience, we are interested In talking to vou No trove' or outsicto work. Ho-jrlv rote commission. Catl 499-4689.

POOCjUCT DEVONSTPA fOPS Must be experienced, short term temporary asiienments. Kelly Service 497-1300. Equo; Opportunity Fmpiccei MFH DOWN Kitty Arch Ricochet AP Newsfeatures Don't need it? Can't use it? Then sell it through Green IL.iv I'ress-Gazette Want Ads Financial 21 Business Opportunities BEFORE YOU INVEST, INVESTIGATE! Read before vou sign' Thin news paper cannot vei Mv the financial potential of these advertisem*nts. Readers are advised to npproach any 'business opportunity' with reasonable caution COMMISSION AGENT Ttf*ck FLEfcT OWNERS Reputable Midwestern c.ortei looking for a lull service commission agent tn handle saies, operations and equipment hiring in several county areu Camr has over VM) company owned 45-48' vans and uses regulnrly teased brokeu on both freltfhl ond steel floatations. We wilt siaer a fleet owner and provide training.

Call 18UO348 Miff, Mr. Helser. HOUGHTON, Ml. Large bkk barrestaurant. Good location.

Ex re Ment tart if If business 5 uedtoom opt. Land contract available. 4U755 4i57. FOR BARS, supper clubs, und commercial proiei ties in Door ond tlrown cnlt Creadve Leisure Heal Enlnle in-. 41474 J-IM47.

StUPJl-onBfJV 414 Fish Creek CARHf OUT fcSTAUfANT in De Pere, fully equipped, reasonable. Universal KeolH, 494 TAVF FN. Denmark area, well esln Wished business. Atta? hed living quorters cull Clem Kutka rcr more details, 663-6332 UHNMARK 2 storv oil brkk Cumrnercial building, 2 apart menis up, Inrue display at en ind Office down, greul PCtnnhul tor variety of businesses. Prle reduced, 900.

LEITtRV.AfJ RFALTY B612. ESTABLISHED. QUAl IT sleco center located nn Military Ave. In Green 5oy hag floor space available tor rent for related hutlrmss. Write Box D-42, Press-GoTette.

XCtLLtf NT LOCATION avail, able in the Not thlano MnM, Ap-pteton, tor I Hour Maitinu-Ing dt vcleanlno operot'un f-or Intormatton, call or wrile' 1608592 3108 or Wisconsin Cleoiwn Service 2, Box 404, IRISH POD B.isiness-Birfo Includes aoartmoni and rool slyn rentals. Terms. 1J7 0.50 A I. BUSINf-SS Opportunity ds must sto'e the nuture ol the o' Ihe tvi ot business being ottered. No statement as to amount ot volume, earnings or profit may be ud Anv case r.t misrepresentation In Business Opportunity odvertUemenls noticed bv reader i shoulri be reported to It to-istflfd Ad Man 200.

23 Money To Loan Green Bay Area Credit Union I ow cost Quick potesslrro 1.113 Moln 4JJ-I9 Teen Market 27 Teen-to-Teen BOrs 70 bite, knobby tires. Girl 20' bire h. i. all 49-H0 GiRI 70 bike $15 Mlso, tennis shoe roller skates siie 4 bay size women's BOY'S 70" 5-oed bike. Remington portable writer j5 435 477.

fill ype- GIRL'S 10 speed b'ke Ver good condition, S5 70 girl's but Vert good Wj Call 961 PET yVIRE CAGE with pun on ooltom, Good condition $15 4)7-7147, co*ck A POO PUPPY Cute and t7S, Coiemon area. 41489 4387, anytime GIRLS 10 speed Huffy bicycle tor -sale, s0. Gooa condition. Call jl6-ov9fi N'GHTCRArVLEPS AOr Down l17Murauelte (Total under 100l PAR-KFETS wltn loroe roge. riinl tram poUne.SlO 43 6'') SPCUIGReLOREX RABBIT 10 weeks old ColiUSlUl inri'XiRouTrioon roiic-r skntes with case, slt 7.

170 Levi lean sniaM Academ, urulcrms 13-5, In'al under 70 445 HVM. SOuTHWtSr ther con lo sell cor s. 140 9 9OYS70' BUTE 4 iOflJ 750 6 SEMI DRIVERS OVER-THE-ROAD Company owned equipment. Excellent paid benefits. Percentage pay with 24 cento per mile gaaronteed.

Irregular route common carrier. Mir.irnura of SO.OtX) miles. Diesel tractor trailer experience. Minimum age 23 with good driving record. Applv in person at: 1401 State St.

(office above garage) Green Bay, Wis. LEICHT TRANSFER STORAGE CO. Por time 28 minutes 16H Miscellaneous NOTICE TO JOB APPLICANTS The Green Bay Press-Carettrr does not knowingly accept I'erp-Wanted Ais from employers cov. ered bv Federal Wapo ana Hour Law If lliey pay less than $3.35 OR II they do not pay time-and-o-halt for work In excess oi 40 hours In a work week, It required by low. the Wage and Houi Division Office ot the U.S.

Drnart ment of Labor at 375 Walnul Street, Green Bay, Wisconsin. 433 3V39. 19 Work Wanted ELECTRICIAN licensed. Insured, reasonable rates. References Freeestimutes.46V0141.

HOUSFELEANING Expei ttneed References Homev apartments Protessionoi results with a personal touch! Call usl MARY OR KATE 43i' 9aJ4 WALLPAPERING, woodwork Interior and pointing, 4W-40M alter 5'3u. JOB URGENTLY NEEDED bv dependable, matui woman. Good office sKlils bul will accept ottwr work. Call LANDSCAPING, Painting, bluck top sealing. References, free eslloimes Greg.

TELEPHONE INSTALLATION Moving? Changing vour phone location? Cans 4. Mi. 19A Child Care THE BIG APPLE Nurserv School and Doy Core Center, opening In foil, across trom NWTI on Helen Keller Bus route. For Information coll 497-017. MOTHER OF 1 will bohvsll, mv west side home, days, ColLurn Park Ages 1 and up.

4W-8VI 7. WILL DO BABYSITTING In mv west side home anvtime Call 435 LICENSED EVENING CARE GREEN BAY DA nURSER Coll 432-767S. Alter 5.M, 43? 441. CARING MOTHtiR Ot I will babysit In tier Northeast side home. Coll 432-7013.

TL.C. CHILDCARE CENTER Near downtown. Full oitd part-time child care Special summer programs for ages 1 year-10 vears. 433-0IB5 DAYCARE: 1 block to school. Meals.

Play and learn. Licensed. Call 497-017V. MOTHER In East Town Mall area wilt do bobysltttr.g In het home. 469-890.

MOTHER Ot 1 will bubvsH In her home. East stae near SI Mory Parish. 433-9489 or 417-1 198 PLAYMATES CHILDCARE Designed built tor pre schoolers Ashwajbenon 4V4-6V80 RELIABLE RED CROSS rertl-ficd bubvtitler will bobrsit In voor home or mine. References ovatloble. Alto will do household lobs.

Call Dee Dee, 498-24M. RELIABLE Young woman will exchange eveninQ babysitting tor room ard board. 4V8 1130. RELIABLE V.OTMFR of will babysit in my East side home anytime. Coll 433-0373 19B Wanted lor Veterans TAXIDERMIST EPrlencefl tomdermlst: deer heads, small game and fish Call 434 1080 No 875.

Teen Jobs 1SC Work Wanted Teens BABYSITTER: 15 veor old Ltve-ln. Suomlco- Pulaski area Need transportation Education 20 Education C'etel Truck Driver School 414. 4654908(24 hours) Ol Sun Proln, Wl Certified In lust 3 weekt or 7 weekends' Green Bey Office tor (not jtllllaiefl wtthopy ir dLStrvl WS Schou1 Rerji Lsate. Continuous (las-. Start anvt -r-e Coll clnfr Ot or I 800 47-573.

29 27 Teen-to-Teen Teen-Ageis Please Note CtfiiffeitK Vi tnrouuh If vetiMi'tiTgei Eoi vour ronveuteme vou-(ii een hav F'tesi ooieilt puhhsh a coupon seveml I'hi weekly In Iht wciion, ot 'Won led bv Items must he ol riiutuoi ink rnl to Trent ONLY pntlre tnicii musl be 1l(Vi oi less NO uns, TVs. appliances, tumltu'tf or lawn mower cirrettl. How ever, a coupon is not neirsHniv to pia' a toen nil Just IV wont written on strut imiiih hi da! PRIfFSMUM BF STATf f)i A nominal ttinme ot tW) tm 1 lines t'uh o1dtlonnl Hue) III be mutle tor all pds Payment musl accompany euih ad hese nds muil be plmud bv leen-aoets tor teoii-atiert Irrn ad must be senl or brought in to the Pi rss Ciusstliel -d Dcp. Phone roll tonnol ol-copied lor Teen Ads 1, 2 Words, 4 Days, SI 00 29 Interest (o Teens PESS-GAE Tfc toule Ifii Siller Ashvuuhenon, Suntn Put 4V4 Wi fi4k tot firoll, ROtHF. FOR SALE AshwauLenon: Rnvnussftu, Mm vt'He, Kusfcnci LaLrjiH.

Mi customers 4V4-V2J9. Pkt-SS-GAZfcTTE roule l(S 1B4S Badger St 40 usttnnciv i lnt-msld call Ctrtuimlcn Oept XT oute fir fnlc, vkK'itv ot 100 bldth bulrd; lTOD-U-tOl'lo- Wjl rut; iOO Ho- If win uti tamers. It interfiled, (nil CUl'JtlOll 4'lMlO TftFSS ME i unle i reded to dt livfti mule in rtowntown oieu profit (ii'd moMihly ciiiier.Hon-,. It intot nlr'iso (nil Inti'in 43i, C07. UCUTR FOR iAi.L, 46 Mjslorn er Asking V00 UOft blo.ks of Von DU i r-ronHin, BOO DuO block v0l block Morv if tnieieMprj please coll Cirrulallofi 4ir SUMMFR Outlnr Lessntts nvml libit 'tlnt ting Jutie Contat HE.

ID MUSIC 1919 S. Webster 43? J22P FKESS GA7F1 Tt- rouie tot sale, 700-800 block) of S. Lowe, Adurm are't. 18 tomers Coll 435 00 lor fa 1aH. PRESS GA7I? rTtr route for suit -901) Mi bloi ks 3ra SI mi 5(H) blocks 4111 51; 400 SO0 bioiks 5th KjOhOO bums lith 700 yoo blottt Ctie-I-nut, 700 V00 blocks 5.

Maple, 5l80 Broailwa, and I0-UM bioiks Atlilond 44 us tomers It lrlr estt-d plerrsr call Clrr.ulati'in uepl 0Ut ROUTE f'OR SAI 42 1100. 1700 NoiwikkI and Greenwund 43'iOor fur (Jelniis. Al tor leens with d'lnk inj orubletn In limit t'rmilles Wliy 3rd floor closvnorn, m. PHLS-i rE ROUTE tor i.ale vicinity ot lino block Walnut, 100 bio. S.

Welnler, 100 block Mnrlh and V.ulh Clav 1 customers, Inlcu-st ed, pleaM. roll the If tolfjtiori Depar Irrtent, 415 PRESS GAI. 1 'fc route tor sale 1.175 1148 Wniten, J05 yj risk; J74 AU IomsI custorfrei'ls I'-or deallts, mil IrrulatKi'i 41', 00 WAH'f TFf TOSCE rOURA-n? If yorr Ic run art of lr.t',rst to teenagers, tFe Press Guelte wIM run your ad in this ro'urin. RFOULAR RAtF-S APPLV. To Plnm your od In ClaMlflt, alien 7, "Inte.esl lo leens 4j5 JAt, ask tci a Classified tn visar Merchandise 30 Pets, Supplies AFGHAN HOUND.

3 months. Blond, temoie NMls liome with fenced ard. YA) 4 (4 BLUE RUN AfrOH, t'l'KIOi nlfrr Call 434 303 30 GALLON AQUARIUM, rem plf'te setup, eceliferit rorrli llori.HOO 7-f)4or 4I7-V37. 40 GAI.l ON AQUARIUM With 7 lai plr anhos (rO (OII41? Uli 30 GALLON AQUARIUM ludfrs ryei ft stund UB WO. Oik tor Mem.

IHASSt H'XJNO A I Wormed orir. s.iotfc S5 i Amiga til. ,7 BFA.GI I- p.JPS, Arc. Reg.s 'ei tiied by ond gun trio, vmirtrr 1.011494 1011 jFRFF TO IGVi'lG IliirVif FFMAct Bi-Ntl, 4 MONTHS i Ol Al.i.r7 8773. FKFt-Yu'JNGrAT to t'irrn or 'ountry nonie CHI 437 VO co*ckER SPA Nl El PypPiH, AKC Registered Coll87-74', COLi IE Ml PijPPY rjlVr- A WA Coll 3J6I07 i Dental Office Hygienist Do you relate well with people? I Do you enjoy helping persons learn? Do you see yourself as a professional dental I hygienist? I If so, we want to talk with you! I I Please phone: i 414458-9331 (Sheboygan) I to arrange a confidential interview.

i I We understand the value of outstanding talent! I i i PRODUCT SUPPORT SALES REPS Upper Michigan and Northern Wisconsin Solid and well-established equipment dealer in Wisconsin and Upper Michioan has two openings for aggressive seivice-oriented saies representatives. Experience in selling pans and service to heavy equipment users in mining, logging, construction, and government1 applications is desirable. One position based in the Crandon. Wisconsin, area is responsible fo' a territory covering northeastern Wisconsin. The other position is based in Escanaba and covers the eastern section of Upper Michigan.

We are an equal opportunity employer offering good benefits and profit sharing. All replies confidential. Send resume or letter: FABCO EQUIPMENT, INC. co Ken King 11200 W. Silver Spring Milwaukee, Wl 53225 NOW INTERVIEWING For position of SEMI DRIVERS WAREHOUSE EMPLOYEES Good pay and fringe benefits.

I. Bahcall Steel Pipe 895 Hinkle Street, Green Bay, Wis. Hours: 10 A.M.-12 noon, 2-5 P.M. 8 A.M. to noon Sat.

TRUCK TECHNICIAN SURVEY There are seral job openings of which one may be designed especially for you. Complete the following form and mail as soon as possible. II you are an experienced truck technician, you may be contacted for a personal 1. Desired Annual Earnings: 2. Four Benefits Most Important To You: 3.

Type of Pay Plan You Prefer: FLAT RATE PERCENTAGE: HOURLY 4. Hows Psr Day You Prefer: From To: POSITIONS OPEN FOR EXPERIENCED PIPING DRAFTSPERSONS For construction project in Upper Peninsula, Mich. These challenging opportunities offer an excellent wage and benefits program. Preferred candidates must have isometric drawing background. Please send resume with wage history, in confidence to: BLOUNT BROTHERS CORP.

P.O. Box 70 Iron Mountain, Ml 49801 Attn: Personnel An Equal Opportunity Employer MF S. I have been technician fcir- years. I have act.isl following sieas- OTianfmission DPine-oas Engine, qas or disJ Electrical Air conditioning Differentials a Brat-t-s CartMcetor NAME PHONE NO Ma'l to.

Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)


How much is a subscription to the Green Bay Press Gazette? ›

*After 3 months, Sunday-Friday Print Delivery + Digital will be $35/month. The Sunday Only Print Delivery + Digital will be $19/month after 3 months. The Sunday + Wednesday-Friday Print Delivery + Digital will be $30/Month after 3 months. Not valid with any other Green Bay Press Gazette subscription offer.

Does Green Bay have a newspaper? ›

Weekly paid newspaper delivered Fridays via US mail serving greater Green Bay and Brown County, Wisc.

How do I contact the Green Bay Gazette? ›

You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-877-424-5042.

Who owns the Green Bay Press gazette newspaper? ›

Get in touch with us about stories happening in your community, questions or concerns, and how to purchase our content for personal or professional use. This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

How much is the new paper subscription? ›

Try it risk free. Try it free for a week, then $5 monthly. If you don't love it, cancel anytime during the trial before charge. Since the product is a daily text, you'll never forget that you're subscribed.

What is the biggest newspaper in Wisconsin? ›

Click the image to learn more. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is Wisconsin's largest and most influential newspaper. It is published daily in print and continuously in digital format (

Are people moving to Green Bay? ›

Green Bay, Wisconsin is a city with a population of over 100,000 people and growing. Recent population growth has seen the population increase 2.6% from 2010 to 2019, making it the third fastest growing city in Wisconsin. The community in Green Bay is one of the great reasons that more and more people are moving there.

What is the local Green Bay news station? ›

Green Bay Wisconsin News and Headlines. WGBA - TV. NBC26.

Is Press Gazette a newspaper? ›

Press Gazette started in 1965 as a trade journal for journalists and editors across the UK but has evolved into an online source for media leaders covering all sectors of the global news and media industries, from the national and regional press (both in print and online) to radio, TV, digital, B2B and consumer ...

Who owns news Press Gazette? ›

The News-Press & Gazette Company (NPG) is a media company based in St. Joseph, Missouri, wholly owned and operated by the Bradley family.

Who was the publisher of the Gazette of the United States? ›

John Fenno (born Aug. 23, 1751, Boston, Mass. [U.S.]—died Sept. 14, 1798, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.) was a publisher and editor, founder in 1789 of the Gazette of the United States, a major political organ of the Federalist Party.

How do I cancel my press Gazette subscription? ›

You can opt out of Premium Editions at any time by contacting customer service at 1-877-424-5042.

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How do I cancel my news press subscription? ›

You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-800-468-0233. Residents living in California, Georgia, Maine, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and Virginia can cancel online by visiting their Account Management page once logged in to the website.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.