FEBRUARY 27, 1968 Florence Morning News DEATHS FUNERALS Mrs. Jessie G. Horne NICHOLS Mrs. Jessie Grainger Horne, 65, of Nichols, died Monday afternoon at the residence after an illness of several months. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and 1 will be announced by Meares Funeral Service of Mullin Mrs.
Horne was born in Horry Connty, the daughter of the late Orton B. and Mary Ann Hammond Grainger. She was married to the late Marshall Mace Horne. Mrs. Horne was a member of Mt.
Olive Baptist Church. Surviving are a daughter, Miss Erleen Horne of Nichols; a brother, Leighton B. Grainger of Nichols; and two sisters, Miss Donnie Grainger of Nichols, and Mrs. Walter (Mamie) Roush of Lafayette, Ind. Mrs.
Maude P. Dennis LAKE CITY Mrs. Maude P. Dennis, 84, widow of Shurren M. Dennis, died Sunday night in an Orangeburg hospital after a long illness.
Funeral services will be conducted at 11 a.m. Tuesday in the chapel of Brockington Funeral Home by Rev. Frank Meyers. Burial will be in Lake City cemetery. Pallbearers will be Jack Singletary, Jim Poston, Harry Whitlock, Dud Cook, Vernon Dennis, Clinton Dennis.
Mrs. Dennis was born in Seranton, a daughter of the late Pinckney A. and Frances Smith Parker. "She was a member of the First Baptist Church of Lake CIty and had made her home for the past five years with a son in Bowman. Surviving are two sons, Julian Dennis of Denver, Colorado, and M.
(Mac) Dennis of Bowman; seven grandchildren; thee great The family will be at the home of Mrs. Parker Dennis in Lake CIty. Kermit A. Holton DARLINGTON Kermit A. Holton, 53, of Darlington, died Monday morning in a Darlington hospital after an apparent heart attack.
Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Kistler Funeral Home Chapel by Rev. H. Levy and Rev. E.
K. Garrison. Burial will be in the National Cemetery in Florence. Pallbearers will be Herbert Coker, Tommy Odom, Henry Hancock, Joe Mims, Leland Yarboro and Dusty Beckham. Mr.
Holton was born in Kinston, N. the son of the late Frank and Sallie Fields Holton. He moved to Darlington in 1934 and was employed by the Dixie Cup Division of the American Can Co. for over 16 years. Mr.
Holton served in the U. S. Army in the South Pacific during World War II. He was a member of Trinity Methodist Church of Darlington. Survivors include four sisters, Mrs.
Jessie Holton Parnell and Mrs. C. B. Huntley, both of Darlington, Mrs. J.
R. Snipes of Norfolk, and Mrs. Frank Swan of Fayetteville, N. C. Mrs.
John D. Lacaze Funeral services for Mrs. John D. Lacaze will be conducted at 11 a.m. Tuesday in the First Presbyterian Church with Dr.
W. G. Foster officiating. Burial will be in Mount Hope Cemetery, directed by Waters Funeral Home. Pallbearers will be Stewart L.
Harvin III, A. P. Skinner III, Marion D. Lucas, Brooks Smith, Dr. George S.
Tyson and Hugh McCutcheon. Mrs. Lacaze who was the former Miss Ann Mouzon died Saturday at her residence in Washington, D. C. Retarded Children's Group Sets Theme The Florence Association for Retarded Children's theme for the coming year, "Family Affair," was set into motion here Monday night at a meeting of the association.
Association President Charlie H. Walters urged members and guests to work together during the year to put real meaning into the theme by involving their whole family in the problem of mentally retarded children. Walters challenged members to frankly share and discuss their mutual concerns and problems as parents of retarded children, as special teachers, and as interested workers with retarded children. Better understanding and more effective avenues for approaching the problems of mental retardation can be achieved through just such an interexchange of ideas among these various groups if these groups will be willing to discuss "How I solved my problem" and "How you solved your 2-WAY RADIOS SALES SERVICE (FM TYPE) Call BOB GODWIN Phone 662-0921 1209 W. Evans St.
The special education class which has been meeting at The University of South Carolina at Florence (USCF) under the instruction of Mrs. H. (Caroline) Wellons attended the meeting as special guests. Nurse Course Testing Slated At TEC Center Prerequisite testing for the nurse's aide course set to begin Saturday at The Florence-Darlington Technical Education Center will be conducted Thursday at the center. J.
C. Hudson, director of TEC's evening program, says the testing, which is required to screen candidates for the course, will be held at 3:30 p.m. at the center Thursday. Test results, Hudson said, will determine which candidates will be selected for the course. The six-weeks program is scheduled to meet for eight hours, beginning at 8 a.m.
Saturday and four hours four nights a week for the course duration. Graduates of the course will be qualified to assist nurses in hospitals, Hudson said. Phone 662-5251 PARKING AREA FUNERAL CHAPEL" SERVICE MIAM NOT Help With Claims THE BUT GOLD GOLDEN MEMBER. THE ORDER OF THE At Stoudenmire Funeral Home, GOLDEN RULE families receive complete assistance in applying for Social Security and veterans' burial benefits as well as for benefits from any life insurance policies they may own. We're determined to do everything that will be helpful in any way.
TOUDENMIRE Funeral Home 300 SOUTH DARGAN STREET DISTINCTIVELY FINER SERVICE PTA Elects Officers At Moore S. T. Gilbert was elected president of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) at Florence's Moore Junior High School for the coming year Monday night at a meeting of the PTA. Other officers, also elected by acclamation on recommendation of the nominating committee chaired by Mrs. Betty Gandy, are: A.
L. Ratermann, vice president; Mrs. Thad Gaddy, secretary; and Mrs. Rentz Woodruff, treasurer. The program was presented by Miss Nancy Ellen Lyles of Columbia, supervisor of guidance services for The South Carolina State Department of Education.
Miss Lyles, who holds a M. A. degree in guidance and counseling from Duke University, spoke on 1 the pressures placed on today's children by the complexities of our modern-day society. A child, Miss Lyles told the PTA, leaves the classroom with two things: first of all, what he came to the classroom with in the first place, and secondly, what happened to him while there. There is a great need today, Miss Lyles stressed, for both parents and teachers to give the child "the personal touch" and communication he SO greatly needs.
Emotional and social adjustment is the most important matter in the junior high school, Miss Lyles said. And parents and teachers can aid sound adjustment in these areas by working to develop a better personal touch and communication with young people, she said. Mideast (Continued From Page 1) Jarring set up headquarters on last December after his appointment by Thant and has since been traveling tween Jerusalem and the Arab capitals. He prefers Cyprus as a site for the proposed peace meetings. An announcement from Thant's office said Jarring, after his talks in New York, will return to the Middle East.
"Among the subjects to considered will be possible next steps and prospects for discussion entering into a new stage in with the parties," the announcement said. Eban's statement indicated a modification of Israel's stand that it did not accept Jarring as mediator, but only as an emisa to bring the wto sides to sary the conference tale. Sources said Israel apparently now wished to give the weary envoy a reathing space and bolster his mission amid reports of growing Arab pessimism of its chances of success. The statement followed week of speculation here that Israel was willing to sit at a peace conference in Nicosia, capital of Cyprus, with Jarring sitting in. Ean told the legislators, however, that Israel still insisted on direct talks with the Arabs as the only basis for reaching a settlement to their long feud.
But agreeing to such negotiations "We have made a maximal contribution to advance the (Jarring's) international peace mission," he said. WIDE VISION DRIVE IN THEATRE PHONE 669 0186 CLOSED OPENING THURSDAY Board, Commission Policy Change Gets Council Reading Mrs. Annie C. Bundy CLIO Mrs. Annie Coxe Bundy, 89, died Sunday in a Winston-Salem hospital after an illness of several months.
Funeral services will be conducted at the Clio Baptist Church at 11 a.m. Tuesday by Rev. Robert L. Thomas, pastor of the church, and Rev. E.
B. Wilkerson of the Presbyterian Church. Burial will be in McLucas Cemetery. Mrs. Bundy was a daughter of the late Henry W.
and Esther Thomas Coxe. She was twice married. Her first husband was the late David Atkins. Her second husband was the late Walter H. Bundy, who died in 1941.
Mrs. Bundy was a member of the Clio Baptist Church. Surviving are two sons, Lt. Col. Robert C.
Atkins of Clearwater, and W. H. Bundy of Clio; a daughter, Mrs Margaret Moss of Lewisville, N. three sisters, Mrs. F.
Dudley and Miss Estelle Coxe of Florence and Mrs. Walter S. Sherard of Calhoun Falls. William A. Rogan MULLINS William A.
Rogan, 63, of Mullins died Monday morning in a Mullins Hospital after a brief illness. Funeral services will be conducted at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Cox-Collins Funeral Home Chapel by Rev. W. Roy Parker.
Burial will be in Cedardale Cemetery with Masonic Rites. Mr. Rogan was born in Summerton, the son of the late Thomas S. and Florence McMillan Rogan. He was a member of Macedo nia Methodist Church and a member of Masonic Lodge No.
161. He was a member of MacedoMartha Fowler Rogan. Surviving, besides the widow, are two daughters, Mrs. David B. (Fowler) Rogers of Mullins and Mrs.
Russell H. (Billy Jean) Lawrimore of Great Falls; one grandchild; a brother, T. S. Rogan Jr. of Greelyville; and four sisters, Mrs.
Mary Seiling and Mrs. S. J. Lesesne, both of Summerton; Mrs. V.
B. Williams of Kingstree, and Mrs. M. T. Bowyer Sr.
of Jacksonville, Fla. Mrs. Jesse Floyd Mrs. Lula Elizabeth Floyd of 904 Brunson St. died Monday afternoon in a Florence hospital after a long illness.
Funeral services will be announced by Belk-King Funeral Home. Surviving are the widower, Jesse Floyd; two Mrs. Monroe (Bernice) Lawhon of Florence and Mrs. Doyle (Mamie Lee) Chapman of Dallas, a brother, Sam Collins of Columbia; four grandchildren and one great grandchild. NATHANIEL PHILLIPS Funeral services for Nathaniel Phillips of 1311 E.
Cheves St. will be conducted Wednesday at 4 p.m. in the Ideal Funeral Parlor with Rev. J. L.
Brooks officiating. Burial will be in the North View Cemetery. Surviving are the mother, Mrs. Estell Fred; a sister, Mrs. Hallie McClain: a grandmother, Mrs.
Carrie M. Gurley. IN MEMORIAM 2 Years Since He Left Us here, But we still feel he Lingers near To dry our tears and Ease our pain Until the day when we Meet again. The Family of Wilbur McLaurin Parrott Sr. 0 GATE CRASHER DIES Stanley Berman, 41, gate crasher extraordinary, died in a Brooklyn hospital Sunday.
He had a knack of getting in places where he wasn't invited and had a huge collection of autographs of celebrities. A blood infection was cause of death. (AP) TODAY In Florence 8 p.m. Board of Directors, Florence Symphony Orchestra at Chamer of Commerce Building. Fire Station Hit by Calls Over Smoke The Florence Fire Departmewas hit by a flood of calls early Monday evening over heavy smoke that covered much of the city.
Callers were concerned about whether there was a big fire in the city. A spokesman for the Fire Department said the smoke came from the city dump and from small woods fires in the vicinity. He said a low pressure system pulled the smoke down into the city and held it here. "The phone has not gone five minutes without ringing with a question about it," he said. The smoke was even inside the Fire Department building, he said.
Food Stamp Program Opens Today Florence County's food stamp program will officially begin Tuesday, with applications for I participation in the program being taken at two locations. Persons now on welfare rolls may apply with the Welfare Department in the agriculture building. Those not receiving welfare checks may apply at the food stamp office at 211 W. Pine Street. Applications will be taken from 9 a.m.
until 3 p.m. each day except Saturday and Sunday. The program, designed to boost the grocery buying power of low-income families, is expected to add $400,000 a year to Florence County's economy, according to officials. It has been estimated that around 3,000 families will benefit from the program. Eligibility is determined by the number of persons in the household and the family's income.
A WARNING From Your Pharmacist If you should happen to read about or hear about a new "secret remedy" to cure serious disease, be wary of it and its proponents. There are no such things as "secret remedies" in medical research. Your doctor is fully informed on every new discovery that has been approved by the medical profession. ECKERD'S FLORENCE DRUG STORES MALL City Council gave first reading, to an ordinance amending Florence's policies on boards and commissions and agreed to lease a 9.39 acre site at the Florence Municipal Airport to the National Guard for a new armory. The amendments to the policlies of municipal boards and commissions are based on a prepared by City reporter R.
Powell Black which was submitted to Council on Jan. 15. Included in the ordinance are provisions spelling out the maximum tenure of members, conduct and qualifications of members, means of appointment and exemptions. Under the maximum tenure section a person serving in a one-year term appointment could serve no more than five consecutive terms; a two term would be limited to three consecutive terms; a three term would be limited to two consecutive terms a four-year term would be limited to two consecutive terms; and five, sixand seven-year terms would be limited to one term each. The amendments are designed to relieve a group of citizens who have constantly, although capably, served on municipal boards and commissions and to the city a new group of give citizens from which to draw members to boards and commissions, Councilman Weston Paterson said.
The 10-acre site, which was selected several weeks ago for location of the proposed new South Carolina National Guard Armory, was appraised at the request of the city by three Florence realtors, who set the value of the property at $15,250. The half acre subtracted from the original area requested will be used for a road to connect McCall Boulevard and airport property lying to the rear of the new armory site. Armored Vehicles Continued From Page 1 Five 122mm rocket rounds hit Tan Son Nhut in two volleys. Two rounds slightly damaged about a dozen aircraft and a building under construction in an area used by Air America, a civilian airline under contract to the U.S. government.
Merrill Huls of Los Angeles, Air America's base manager, said all the aircraft would be repaired within hours. The damaged building is about 200 feet from the U.S. Command headquarters, a $35- million building called "Penta CD Leaders Meet at Dillon DILLON A meeting was held Monday in the office of Roger W. Scott, Civil Defense director for Dillon County, attended by county officers and leaders from all sections of the county. Talks were made with some mechanical demonstrations by Neal Forner and Morgan Mitchell of the faculty of the University of South Carolina.
Perry Powell of USC a Florence and Al Thomas, deputy director of Civil Defense for the state. They went into great detail explaining the measures necessary to protect people in case of fallout, radiation and other results of nuclear attack. They urged the leaders to struct others in the necessity of knowing the facts. Surgeon Medal CAPE TOWN (AP) Gold medallions bearing a profile of heart-transplant surgeon Christiaan Barnard may be struck in a single minting to raise money for heart research. CINEMAS NOW UNLIMITED Darlington Cinema "'The Power" GEORGE HAMILTON PROPST CINEMA LAKE CITY, S.
C. "Reflections in A Golden Eye" ELIZABETH TAYLOR MARLON BRANDO STARS OF THE LAWRENCE WELK TY SHOW featuring in person JO ANN CASTLE BURGESS AND KING LARRY HOOPER JACK IMEL JOE FEENEY DICK DALE ARTHUR DUNCAN OTHERS CUMBERLAND COUNTY MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM March 2nd at 8 P.M. Saturday, Call Now 483-4681 Reserve Your Tickets and pick them up when you arrive. TICKETS NOW ON SALE at AUDITORIUM BOX OFFICE Don't Delay Order Now! The site for the new armory fronts on McCall Boulevard and is adjacent to the Pee Dee Shrine Club. In other business, Council: Signed a lease agreement for a 190 foot by 144 foot lot at Lawson and Ingram Streets for a play area.
The property is being made available to the city for that purpose for a two-year period by Mrs. Henry Dickman. Approved a request and by Southern Bell Telephone Telegraph Co. to run 6,200 feet of underground wire from Cherokee Road to Marsh Avenue. Approved an amendment in an agreement between the city and the South Carolina Highway Department on construction of the Evans Street Connection with the I-20, I-95 interchange, which provides that the city will reimburse the Highway Department for a fourth of the cost of acquiring the right-offor the project and certain way other information relative to utilities.
Authorized the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Seaboard Coast Line Railroad Co. to allow sewer installations underneath SCL tracks at Douglas and Stelling streets. East" from which Gen. Wilgon liam C. Westmoreland directs American military operations in Vietnam.
The Tan Son Nhut base has been a favorite enemy target, especially since the Communist lunar new year offensive that began Jan. 30. It had been hit by about 20 rounds last SaturThe Vietnamese military dependents' camp hit by the Reds is in the northwestern suburbs of Saigon, where heavy fighting has occurred the past several days. South of Tan Son Nhut, several rounds landed in a church about 700 yards from the Phu Tho racetrack, burning down a number of houses and wounding civilians. One civilian was killde and several wounded in an attack on a jail.
Viet Cong also fired six rounds of recoilless rifle fire at a government army camp in northwestern Saigon. Five soldiers were wounded. People Group Meet Tonight day at St. Anthonys Parochial School beginning at 7 p.m. The group held its first meeting last month.
A People-to-People discussion group meeting will be held Tues- T-O-D-A-Y I AI YOUR FLORENCE THEATRES CAPRI Showing At 8 P.M. Only Adults 1.25 Child 50c JULIE ANDREWS "HAWAII" IN COLOR CAROLINA SHOWS AT 3 5 7 9 You Can't Escape From GEORGE HAMILTON IN "THE POWER" IN COLOR COLONIAL FIRST SHOW 1 P.M. 2 VIOLENT MEN! Glenn George Ford Hamilton "A TIME FOR KILLING" IN COLOR CIRCLE DRIVE- -IN Closed Until Friday Swing Into Spring TUESDAY vous wizard of the bottle set! Will the beautiful genie get her hard-to-get astronaut master? Barbara Eden and Larry Hagman star. I DREAM OF JEANNIE 7:30 Another magic spell for the mischie- IN NBC COLOR movie ten 8:00 ICE PALACE Richard Burton and Robert Ryan WIS television 10.